Temporary Visa

Temporary US Visa

There are approximately 20 different types of temporary non-immigrant US visas that permit foreign nationals to live in the United States for a limited length of time for a specified purpose (e.g., business trip, vacation, study abroad, work in the USA, etc.). Some of the temporary non-immigrant US visas allow foreign nationals to live in America for a short-term stay, but do not permit them to work in the USA (the B-2 Visitor Visa is an example). Other temporary non-immigrant visas (such as the H-Visa and L-Visa) do authorize foreign nationals to live and work in the USA for a specific amount of time (usually between 12 to 60 months, depending on the type of US work visa and other variables). You can learn more about different types of temporary non-immigrant US visas that are currently available to foreign nationals by clicking on the relevant Temporary Visa sub-tab. To find out which US visa option is best for you, click here!